“Look at that sea, girls! --- All silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of gil and ropes of diamonds.”

About the Writer

FoxNClocks / 30s / She/They / CST / DMs Open

---FFXIV RP Mediums:---
-- Discord DMs
-- Final Fantasy XIV
---RP Type:---
--Enjoys both Long Term & Short Term RPs, Episodic
--Dark or Extreme Themes welcomed
--Light Hearted, Slice of Life Themes welcomed
--One x One
--One x One x One
---Content: 6.5 Current---
-- Raids & Trials
-- Dailies
-- Crafting & Gathering
-- G-posing
-- Mount, minion, & glam farming
-- Pvp
---Preferred Characters Played:---
I play Femme NB or Female Characters that tend to be Submissive & attracted to Male, Female, Trans, & NB characters.
-- Please no porn characters: No Futas, Dickgirls, or Shemale please.
---Perspective (First, Second or Third Person.):---
Third-Person Story with First-Person Conversations.
---Desired Reply Length:---
1-5 paragraphs (Discord) / Long Post (FFXIV), though my post length fluctuates based on what is immediately happening in the roleplay. Details in the post are a MUST! When it comes to detail: I want to know what your character(s) is feeling, doing, wanting. I like fluff in my post, meaning what your character is thinking or feeling at the time.
---18+ & NSFW:---
-- Yes - But Limited - Demisexual/romantic - Must have prior connections & stories.
-- Story-Focused Roleplayer: I enjoy writing smut if the story calls for it. However, I am a story and character-focused writer. If you approach me with the intention of pure smut RP, I will have to turn you away. Just because my character is Poly does not mean they want a romantic or sexual relationship with your character.

  • rule 001

ㅤdo notㅤㅤ approach me with any kind of real-world bigotry toward people's race, gender, religion, or culture. Extremism of any kind is not welcome in my space, as such I expect my RP/Gaming partners to treat everyone with kindness and respect. I want all of my friends, no matter their lifestyle to feel safe and welcome.

  • rule 002

ㅤdo notㅤㅤseek to roleplay with me if you or your character are under the age of 21+ | I am aware that the legal age is 18 in most places, but that does not matter.

  • rule 003

ㅤdo notㅤㅤassume that just because I didn't post in a timey matter or took a day to myself that the RP is over. I do attend college classes & have OOC obligations.

  • rule 004

ㅤdo notㅤㅤcome to me looking for a romantic or sexual OOC relationship. Just because I am poly and have partners, does not mean I want a relationship with you. Yes, this has been a problem in the past. I am happy taken IRL.

  • rule 005

ㅤdoㅤKeep things simple, I'm just here to have fun and find a few fun roleplay/gaming partners. While I love detailed and complex stories, I don't want to jump threw hoops just to put our character in the same room or to meet for the first time.

  • rule 006

ㅤdoㅤㅤApproch me for roleplay if you are 21 years of age or older! I would love to hear your ideas or what you find interesting in my request..

  • rule 007

ㅤdoㅤㅤcommucate with me! If you have questions, feel free to ask.

  • rule 008

ㅤdoㅤㅤask to be friends! I love doing stuff like content & talking about our muses.

  • rule 009

ㅤdoㅤㅤ understand I have a family, health issues, and OOC obligations. If I can not roleplay with you, it does not mean I don't want to. I might be slow to get into the game some weeks, if at all. As such, I do prefer Discord as an alternative means of writing as I can get to it any time of day from my phone or computer.

Pumpkin & Fox loving Witch

I have been roleplaying on and off for a little over sixteen years. This includes things like text-based writing such as Forums and Private Messages, writing over MMOs such as Final Fantasy 14 & Guild Wars 2 an even enjoying Table Top Roleplaying games such as Pathfinder, D&D & Lancer. I have and still do DM a few games, though I have played in a lot more. That being said, when it comes to text-based writing I enjoy doing free-form posts unless actually doing a D&D-type game.Outside of writing, I enjoy things like painting Warhammer models, listening to music, and reading books. I also enjoy playing video games, currently, I'm playing BG3, Palia, & Final Fantasy XIV.Forming OOC connections with my partners is important to me, I enjoy talking to the people I write with whether it's to bounce ideas back and forth or just talk about things like work or what's going on with our day. Forming long, lasting friendships that can span over many different stories. I find it easier to write detailed stories with people that I connect with. Communication is always key. So don’t be shy to send me a PM so we can talk and plot things out. So while I am looking for people to RP with, I am also looking for people to build friendships with as well. So even if you don't want to RP with me, I would love to just chat as well.Currently, I am looking to find a couple of partners for long-term, episodic roleplays willing to do multiple stories over time. While I do love "Mature & Dark" (21+) stories, I am looking for a partner who enjoys detailed and descriptive narratives and will allow the RP to be heavily story-focused. With a healthy amount of character development. SFW roleplay with zero adult elements are also welcomed! Myself, I have been roleplaying for a long time through Forums, MMOs, and tabletop RPGs. That being said, I am very flexible with my writing and enjoy matching my partner when it comes to style & length.Please understand that it's just as important to build friendships with my partners.

NSFW 21+

― character

if only i could be so grossly incandescent.

ㅤpersonalityㅤㅤFriendly, Playful, and a Hint of Flirty, Cyndarii has lived a very interesting life. As a result, they have become properly wary -- after all, "just because you're a bit paranoid, it doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face." Despite all that, Cyndarii is a loyal, determined, and unerringly sarcastic person. Being called smartass by more than just one person they now call an enemy. Nor do they deny it.Still, for all their cultural references and bad jokes, Cyndarii can be quick and decisive when it comes to their work and is not someone to be trifled with. Actually being a lot smarter then they look or let on.

  •   Position.    Top

  • ㅤRole.ㅤㅤSwitch

  • ㅤStyle.ㅤㅤVanilla | Light BDSM

  •  Sexuality.   Female (Feminine) Lean

  •  Species.   (m/f) Hyur, Elezen, Au'ra,                       Viera, (f) Miqo'te

  • ㅤVanilla.ㅤㅤYes

  • ㅤGeneral Kinks.ㅤㅤYes

  • ㅤDom/Sub | Psyche Play.ㅤㅤYes

  • ㅤLight BDSM.ㅤㅤYes

  • ㅤMidume BDSM.ㅤ   Maybe

  • ㅤHeavy BDSM.ㅤㅤNo

  • ㅤRoughnesss/Pain.ㅤ   Maybe

  • ㅤDark Kinks.ㅤㅤYes - OOC Discussionㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤneeded before hand.

  • ㅤHard Limits.ㅤㅤAge Play, Underage, Character Death, Inflation/Growth, Vore, Transformation, Unclean Themes, Bathroom Play.


― character

if only i could be so grossly incandescent.

ㅤpersonalityㅤㅤThere are few freer in spirited and motherly in nature than Captain Nanna Una, even then she is a woman who commands respect from both her crew and those that decided to do business with the sea born. A woman with a personality like the sea itself. One moment mild-mannered, even-tempered, kind and beautiful… the next an unforgiving storm with a slow, cold anger that brews like the dark clouds on the horizon.While there are those that praise her for her grace and kindness, only a fool would forget that she is the captain of her ship. One who commands her station with grace and authority.

  •   name.    Nanna Una

  • ㅤaliasㅤㅤSeaborn

  •   age.    Appears Late 30s

  •   race.    Hrothgar

  •   nameday     1st Sun of the First Umbral Moon

  •   guarding deity.   Llymlaen

  •   gender.     Female

  •   pronouns.     She/her

  •   sexuality.     Pansexual

  •   orientation.    Married to the Sea

― strength

  •   strength.   Adaptable

  •   strength.   Confident

  •   strength.   Determined

  •   strength.   Charismatic

  •   strength.   Sympathetic

Drinking, Cards, Days on the Beach, Sailing, Sea Shanties, Light & Airy Clothes, Being Barefoot, Harty Food.
Weak Wine or Ale, Fancy Foods, Tea, Fancy Dancing & Noble Things, Being to Far Inland, Disrespect, Cheap Merchants.

― flaws

  •   flaws.   Aggressive

  •   flaws.   Impulsive

  •   flaws.   Malicious

  •   flaws.   Unpredictable

  •   flaws.   Greedy

  • ㅤheightㅤㅤㅤ6'5"

  • ㅤweightㅤㅤ160

  •   Strength.  ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •   Dexterity.  ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •   Constitution.  ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •   Intelligence.  ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •   Wisdom.  ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •   Charisma.  ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  • ㅤWeaponㅤㅤSword & Gun

  • ㅤMagicㅤ N/A

  •   Melee.  ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •   Range.  ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •   Magic.  ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •   Healing.  ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •   Unarmed.  ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •   Stealth.  ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤


― History & Tales

A game of truths and lies...

ㅤpersonalityㅤㅤThere are few freer in spirited and motherly in nature than Captain Nanna Una, even then she is a woman who commands respect from both her crew and those that decided to do business with the sea born. A woman with a personality like the sea itself. One moment mild-mannered, even-tempered, kind and beautiful… the next an unforgiving storm with a slow, cold anger that brews like the dark clouds on the horizon.While there are those that praise her for her grace and kindness, only a fool would forget that she is the captain of her ship. One who commands her station with grace and authority.

  •   job occupation.    Ship Captain

  •   underground   Privateer

  •   class   Swashbuckler

  •   place of origin.    Unknown

  •   home.   Sea Worthy Ship

  •   affiliation.   Mikoshi's Rest

  •   family.     Mother (alive)

  •   relationship status.      Single

  •   marital status.     Single

― history

For Nanna, the sea has always been her home. Nanna, third of her mother’s line, known more for being the --daughter of Alvarada-- rather than a captain in her own right. While she has only been the captain of her won ship for a little over a decade, her mother on the other hand, is known not only for being the Matriarch of her own fleet of trade ships, but having been a renown pioneer that braved the frozen north. Those that know Nanna's mother, know to fear the wrath she is so well known for. Her daughter, on the other hand, seems to be nothing like her mother when it comes to personality. Mild-mannered, and even-tempered… almost motherly, there are those who often forget that she is a Captain that commands her station with grace and authority, with a cold anger that is known for keeping even her bridge officers in their place.Still, Nanna has done much to earn a name for herself and her crew – but with the age of pirates long behind her the young captain has struggled to find glory of her own. For there is only so much glory to be found in trade and travel. Even traveling the frozen north has been concerned by many much older and aged by the sea than her. Still, the Sea Captain dreams of glory and edges of the star unseen. It is because of this that she picked the route she did – sailing between Limisa and Old Sharlayan… than far West to the New World, only to return with goods and spices often unseen in the lands of Eorzea.But times are changing, and the wind whispers of coming trials and adventure.And Nanna seeks to chase the changing seas.



  • Slice of Life / Fluff

  • Intrigue & Life at Sea

  • Underground & Crime

  • Dark & Mature

  • Mentors & Crew Members

  • Travel & Adventure

  • Trade

  • Dark Romance


  • La Noscea: Common

  • Old Sharlayan: Common

  • Tural: Common

  • Thavnair: Common

  • Hingashi: Common

  • Thanalan: Common

  • Black Shroud: Rare

  • Ishgard: Rare

Call of the Sea

Nanna has always called the sea her home and as such, she has made many connections related to such a life. Between past and present crew, she calls family, to the contractors that hire them to transport both cargo and personnel alike. Do you know of this young Sea Captain? Have you traveled with her? Worked with her? Have you answered the call of the sea?

  • Connections

  • Crew

  • Family Ties

  • Adventure & Travel

Shadows of the Sea

Sometimes times are tough, and you don’t have many people whom you can trust with… private information and goods. Nanna and her crew are willing to look the other way.For a price that is.

  • Connections

  • Shady Meetings

  • Black Market

  • Deliveries

Her Mother's Child

While many have not heard of Nanna and her growth, they might know her family name and the name of her mother – Alvarada. A woman once a feared Pirate known to come south to take the ships only to feel back into the dangerous waters of the Frozen North. A woman who took her fleet to help capture Garlean ships that came to close to the seas she called home. A woman who in the changing age now calls a trade fleet of ships her own.Nanna, however, seeks to escape her mother’s shadow… making a name for herself.

  • Rumors

  • Stories

  • Past Connections

  • Adventure & Life Trials

Trustworthy Soul

A truthworthy soul is so hard to find these days, and among the sea… people like Nanna can at times be hard to find. A lovely woman, with a warm and motherly personality. Someone who is easy to trust, easy to be friend… a loyal woman who will get you or your goods where they need to go. Who will put her life and the life of her crew on the line to make sure things go as planned and they see that next port.Best of all, she likes to visit those port taverns. Have a few drinks with a good friend. Play a few rounds of cards.

  • Friends & Romance

  • Drinking Buddies

  • Connections & Taverns

  • Honest Deliveries

  • Honest Trade


― Realtionship Types

PartnerRomanceCrushExFamilyFriendAcquaintancePast ConnectionEnemy
MentorStudentEmployerEmployeeCoworkerOccult ConnectionUnderground Connection

chararcter name

relationship type

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Eri'oni Ayumi

Historian & Researcher

"The First Flame quickly fades. Darkness will shortly settle. But one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness. Like embers, linked by memories of the past."

Cyndarii Blackstone

Seer & P.I.

“The fear of an unknown never resolves, because the unknown expands infinitely outward, leaving you to cling pitifully to any small shelter of the known: a cracker has twelve calories; the skin, when cut, bleeds.”

Zywie Ajah

Naive Healer

"You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

Zethina Briarwood

Garlean Socialite

"I don't want to have lived in vain like most people. I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people, even those I've never met. I want to go on living even after my death!"

Ash'teria Marchand

Ishgardian Merchant

"The noble soul has reverence for itself. We need above all to learn again to believe in the possibility of nobility of spirit in ourselves. Be noble, and the nobleness that lies in other men, sleeping but never dead, will rise in majesty to meet thine own."


Gelmorran Priestess

"We can let go of burdens like condemnation and worry, perfectionism and insecurity. And we can cling desperately—even through tears—to the assurance that The Twelve know, they care, and they loves us with an infinite love. We can lay our burdens at the feet of DIvine and receive what he offers instead."

Lilichi Lichi

Lilichi Lichi

"Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering."



lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.